Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fall conference notes

Region 5 Fall Conference – Wed August 5 , 2009

Call to order 6:30 – Brandi Barnes
People in attendance - about 21
Reflections – Region deadline December 20th
Use as many people as possible to make a great PTA
Region 5 Budget - $700
$150 fall conference
$300 reflections
$100 board expenses
$150 conventions
Vote on budget - 21 yes, 0 no
State PTA PowerPoint – Shawnee Stosich
Powerful voice for all children, advocate for all children.
PTA founded in 1897
Benefits of PTA - benefits child, resources for child safety, learning and school experiences. Benefits you – Help make decisions at school that affect our children. Benefits school – See firsthand what the school needs, privy to information. Number one success for students in school is parent involvement.
Programs – Reflections (last standing art program in the schools going up to national level); Three for me program (a person gives 3 hours a school year of volunteer hours); Healthy lifestyles; Family school partnership
Advocacy & legislation – when PTA talk to legislators in Boise they start to listen. Advocacy day in November – this is the day where they decide what most of the legislative voices will be.
PTA gives you a voice beyond the school, the district, the state. PTA helps us be informed. PTA offers support and the tools to be a voice.
Where our dues are benefiting us – Reminding our nation of its obligation to children. Membership of PTA local unit (school), state and nation. Your organization is a non-profit status, insurance at much less cost, keeps us informed on how to keep non-profit status.

What has PTA done- Started kindergarten, hot lunch, juvenile justice system, mandatory immunization, public health service, child labor laws.

Idaho State PTA President – Susan Bench
In the end PTA should make your life better.
State Awards given out – Region 5 had the largest PTA increase in the state of Idaho!!!!

Break out session for 20 minutes (Pres/VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Reflections, Membership, Legislative, PTSA).

Key communicators needs to be put on the blog.
PTA cannot endorse any candidate, must stay nonpartisan

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